Best Car Battery Replacement and Starter Repair
Affordable Battery Replacement and Starter Repair or Starter Replacement for all Makes and Models
Call: 602-273-1100 and speak with the front desk to schedule a hassle free no-obligation appointment
Phoenix Car Battery Replacement and Vehicle Starter Repair
Richards Auto Clinic is located in Phoenix, AZ 85008 – but that does not mean we provide only for residents in that zip code. We are able to provide battery replacement and vehicle starter repair or replacement for the entire phoenix metro-area. Call 602-273-1100 for more information on how affordable it is to get your car up and running like new.
Battery Replacement
The car battery is what produces electricity to get your car, truck or SUV started. It is the energy storing device that has a + and – output like you see on regular everyday batteries you put in a remote control or a children’s toy. The battery operates the ignition system, starter, fuel injection system and the alternator
When is it time to replace your car, truck or SUV battery?
#1 When you turn the ignition the vehicle does not charge or crank up the engine
#2 When you turn the ignition the vehicle will make a “chugging” sound as it tries to start up
#3 The battery warning light is illuminated on the dashboard
#4 Your radio, lights and electrical components do not work
Vehicle Starter Repair or Replacement
The vehicle starter is as important, if not more important, than the battery. Once the ignition starts and the battery outputs enough power to the starter, the starter will run at 200 RPM in order to turn the engine and its’ pistons.
When is it time to replace your vehicles starter?
#1 Sometimes the vehicle starts, sometimes it does not. The vehicle starter is a circuit and if there is any dirt, grime or bad spots in the circuit it will cause the starter to start during random turns of the ignition.
#2 Slow starts due to too the starter circuit drawing too much current, or energy, from the battery
#3 Grinding noises or unusual noises due to damage.
#4 Starter does not function at all because of a malfunction.